Customized Strategic Roundtables

In the age of social media, smart phones and online meeting tools, many people find themselves yearning for face-to-face interaction. Companies who put extra effort into personalizing customer communications and services outperform those who don’t. In fact, 81 percent of companies with strong capabilities and competencies for delivering customer experience excellence are outperforming their competition. But delivering the best customer experience can be challenging when communications are limited to surveys or feedback from sales representatives.

Function: is introducing a new service offering that can help take your customer relationships to next level – Face-to-Face. Designed to offer manufacturers more strategic face time with their customers and target audiences, Face-to-Face is a series of roundtable sessions customized per audience and client. Not only do Face-to-Face sessions bring manufacturers and their audience together in one room for in-depth discussions about goals and address challenges, Function: also works with you to develop content based on information gathered at the sessions and create marketing or sales tactics to help improve business and further address customer/audience needs. 

How it works:

+ Function: will work with manufacturers (residential or commercial) to organize three* sessions in key market cities throughout North America. 
     - Sessions are recommended to be two-to-three hours in length with 8-10 audience participants per session. 

+ Each session is custom designed with the client in mind in order to mine what information they want to receive from their customers/audience. Function: will work with manufacturers to develop discussion points and meeting content – product or brand specific.

+ Customer and participant invitation lists can be supplied by the client or Function: can work on procuring the best audience (architects, builders, contractors, etc.) in selected cities. Function: will develop invitation and marketing materials for each event (eblasts, direct mails, etc.)

+ A Function: representative can moderate each session. 

Following each session Function: will outline key points and create tactics that will help drive marketing and sales content, ultimately helping define near or long-term business objectives. 

Face-to-Face provides a truly unique opportunity not only hold in-depth discussions with audiences that matter, but also take what was discussed during those discussions and create effective tools that will improve your business in the future. Customers want to be heard and showing them that not only are you actively listening, but proactively seeking their input takes customer relationships to the next level. 

Give us a call for more information and to contract a session for your business.